10 Big Leaf Plants Stunning Indoor Houseplants with Large Leaves

big leaf house plants

The croton (Codiaeum variegatum) will add a pop of color to your home. Some varieties feature green leaves with yellow flecks, while others have vibrant, reddish hues. Place them in a spot where they get plenty of indirect sunlight, as the amount of light they get determines how colorful the leaves become, per The Spruce. You'll probably only need to water about once a week in the summer and every two weeks in the winter — just make sure to keep the soil moist. These plants need humidity, which contributes to their colorful foliage. If your home is dry, consider a humidifier in the room or a humidity tray under the plant.

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Put it in front of a bright window with indirect sunlight and allow it to dry between waterings to keep it happy. With its dark green leaves shapes like fiddles, the fiddle-leaf fig will add drama to your home. The key to keeping this plant happy is to place it near a window where it is safe from drafts. It needs plenty of light, but don't put it where direct sunlight will hit the leaves. HGTV recommends keeping your fiddle-leaf plant in one place and turning it periodically so it won't grow in one direction.

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They thrive in bright, indirect light and require watering every one to two weeks. Use a potting mix with proper drainage and a plant mister to boost humidity. If you’re looking for a tall indoor plant with big leaves, go for the ruffled fan palm (Licuala grandis). The jade tree is a big houseplant that is one of the easiest indoor plants to care for.

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It was named after the shape of its leaf that looks like a lyre or a fiddle. This evergreen tree can reach meters tall when grown in a landscape setup. However, you can manage the plant’s size if grown in a big container indoors. The bird of paradise is a magnificent tropical herbaceous perennial with massive banana leaf-like foliages. Bluish to greyish green oblong leaves emerge alternately from a crown at the plant’s base. The leaves are carried on a tall stalk and can grow up to 3-4 feet long.

5 houseplants with big leaves - Hindustan Times

5 houseplants with big leaves.

Posted: Wed, 30 Aug 2023 07:00:00 GMT [source]

Allow the top 2 inches of soil to dry out before watering again to maintain moist soil but not soaked. Reduce the amount of water you use in the winter, but keep an eye on the potting soil to ensure it doesn’t dry out. Gloriosum prefers a moist soil medium to maintain proper root growth and supply the big leaves with enough water.

Majesty Palm (Ravenna rivularis)

big leaf house plants

Very popular as a houseplant, seguine dumb cane can be a friendly and discreet presence with a great relaxing and soothing effect in homes and offices. Bright green in color and they grow with an upright and horizontally habit atop a brown, hairy and straight trunk. Round leaf is a variety of prayer plant from Bolivia with very broad almost perfectly round (you guessed) leaves , about 10 inches in diameter (30 cm). The leaves, roots, and stems are toxic to humans and animals if ingested. A great indoor houseplant option if you live in a big city or polluted environment, Calathea Orbifolia is a purifying houseplant that removes toxins from the air. This perennial evergreen is native to Brazil and features flowers that can be deep red in color.

big leaf house plants

These plants can add a tropical vibe to your home with long stalks that feature broad fronds. The key to making them happy is enough fertilization balanced with enough light, according to The Spruce. The best place for one is in a bright corner with plenty of water, as well as fertilization once or twice during the growing season. If the tips of the leaves begin to brown, try watering a bit more often. Misting the leaves is an option, but you can also keep a tray of pebbles covered with water near the plant, per HGTV.

Indoors, the fiddle leaf fig plant grows up to 10 ft. (3 m) tall—so, just perfect for filling vertical spaces. For this large-leaf indoor plant to thrive, it needs plenty of light and moist soil. Also, it’s essential to keep this fussy houseplant away from drafts. The dark green leaves of the dumb cane (Dieffenbachia) plant look as though they have been splattered with white or cream paint. They grow best in bright, indirect light but enjoy growing in the shade in winter. These tropical plants like it humid, and due to temperature changes in the winter, their growth might slow or even stop.

It is also potent in cleaning the indoor air and helps to maintain the humidity levels in homes. This is the plant to have for your living room with attractive large, oval-shaped, dark-glossy green foliage! Monstera is one of the most easy-going big leaf tropical houseplants you can grow. Some are commonly known as Swiss cheese plants because of the holes that develop as the plant matures. However, Monstera deliciosa has large leaves that split as the plant matures. Sure, we love our vining pothos, sassy Pink princess philodendron, and low-maintenance snake plant.

The corn plant is widely considered one of the oldest houseplants as far as domestic popularity is concerned and has existed since the mid-1800s. Several tropical caladium species are cultivars of the Caladium bicolor featuring stunning exotic foliage thanks to their colorful patterns. This giant leaf species features red or orange-colored blooms and is primarily native to Florida and California. Depending on the species, it can produce orange, pink, red, or yellow flowers. The eye-catching Medinilla magnifica or Rose grape plant grows large dark green leathery leaves with prominent veins.

Petioles emerge directly from the tubers beneath the soil and shoot up the pretty colored leaves. In the dormant winter season, the stalks and leaves will die naturally and grow again in spring. Like any indoor foliage, fiddle leaf requires a sunny spot or 4-6 hours of the morning sun to make the plant happy. An unhappy fiddle leaf shows yellow to brown leaf tips, stems will become spindly, and leaves will drop. Watering should be right for a fiddle leaf tree as overwatering, and underwatering can harm the plant.

They’re making a comeback, though, and Chinese evergreens are the perfect plant for almost any room, so long as they receive some regular care and attention. The leaves of Chinese evergreens can grow quite large, so they must be misted and dusted regularly. Rainforests aside, it can be hard to find the perfect plants to fit your space, though. Not every plant works well in every room, especially when it comes to light, care, and aesthetics. We rounded up all of our favorite houseplants with large leaves to help you choose the right plants to fit your space (and style). Amber Noyes was born and raised in a suburban California town, San Mateo.

They are ideal for smaller spaces, as most of them only get about 2 feet tall. Keep in mind that the amount of light the leaves receive affects their color. Too much light will cause fading, and the colorful patterns won't develop at all if they don't get enough sunlight. To avoid root rot when watering your plant, make sure it is in a well-draining pot. It's best to keep your calathea white fusion in an area that does not experience extreme temperatures.


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